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Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization
2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan Update

The Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization (SVMPO) is the federally designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the Sierra Vista urban area and oversees regional transportation planning for 614 square miles at the southwest corner of Cochise County. SVMPO is updating its federally required Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which was most recently adopted in August of 2021, to provide its member agencies a long-term vision, priorities, and tools to implement transportation improvements across the region.

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The SVMPO LRTP Update will aid regional and local active transportation by:

  • Getting stakeholder buy in - The LRTP effort will strive to build consensus on the project development and prioritization process, which will, in turn, lead to consensus on the results. This planning process will keep this momentum going through this LRTP Update with even more stakeholders from federal agencies, state agencies, and local advocacy groups.

  • Making Data-Driven Decisions - This planning process will update the existing regional travel demand model with more recent and accurate U.S. Census data to ensure SVMPO can effectively compare future travel scenarios to better understand where to spend their limited time and funding resources. This process will also the project prioritization tool to ensure that high-priority projects are not only supported by local agency staff and elected officials but are objectively impactful to meeting transportation goals at the regional level.

  • Engaging the Public in a Meaningful Way. This process will leverage lessons learned from engagement efforts in the post-COVID years and engagement on the recently completed Southeast Arizona Transportation Safety Plan to get broad and meaningful input from the public. Engagement activities will be designed to directly impact the LRTP outcomes and build momentum in investing in transportation improvements in the SVMPO region.



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